TOday I receive my final paycheck from my latest emergency job. I was a back-up dishwasher/kitchen dude for a catering company that operated out of a museum with vangoghs and picassos.  I was hired as a bartender and did fine there but they only had me scheduled for one or two nights a week and that was not enough to pay the bills so i pushed my way into the kitchen role and was the oldest dude in the kitchen. That was fine, most days and they did not ask me to do to much. they were pretty lackadasical about where they kept the booze and it was easy to go home drunk and that was fine with me. The liqour room was a long walk with a cart needed to transport the booze to where it would be under lock and key and not just sitting there on the corner like a mormon waiting for a bus in south central. Full of good tidings. SO they sent me home because I tipped over a mop bucket, fully sober, in the middle of a wedding. that really caught someones attention and i didnt argue. i had a water bottle full of ketel one in my right pocket. It was earl saturday night and things were ll right. except for the fact that my next check would be tiny and my profesionalism was a little banged up. shit happens. 

     SO THIS CHECK WILL BE FOR TWO AND A HALF SHIFTS- One a shortish bar shift at 19 and hour, and 8 hour dish shift at fifteen and the four hour SENDING YOU HOME payday. it might be around TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS AND THIS IS THE EXCITING PART. IM PUTTING IT IN PLAY!

ROLL ON THE TABLE! will try to keep a tourney buy in on the table and play in the next nice tourney. theres a 160 buy in with a 50 dollar bounty tomorrow at 715.... and a 130 tonight at 715...i should have the cash by 530 or 6 oclock ....I 

RECENT RESULTS- 4th place 140$ buy in quad stacks 579 dollars- 11am tuesday                                                                           19th place- 25 bounty friday 11 am- got caught in personality war-no more talking!                                         12th place-they paid 9-----120$ buy in qq lost after all in.....

I know how easy it is to play perfect poker and I can do it. .....the first tourney i was just playing the easy spots and has AA in my hand on the bubble when somone raise me all in with KK and that made it easier, i had a stack and did not do any weird stuff with the frisky chip-leader on my right.

in the second tourney i got caught up with an old lady who "hates everybody" (just ask my husband) and wanted to punish her and the fat faced joke of a man to her right. they were vocal talking hate at me and they were only in hands to "GET ME" and they didnt like me and i was reciprocating like a saw. lost focus on the big picture and too focussed on the 25 dollar bounty...

third times the charm! i rode a succession f crap hands to the point in the tourney where i had to jam from late position to survive. early on i had ace five of clubs and limped in to see one club on the flop and a gutshot to a striaght...and it checked around...turn is a second club and nine club outs and three to the inside straight and an ace on the river could also be good so i am all in and the button thinks a long time and calls me down with 77. i hit the straight on the river and had some chips finally. but there were murderers t my left. a new york mets hat loved throwing thousands in preflop. i kept folding.  i blasted off secon to act with ace three sooted and those folds felt good as i had over 30k in the stack and blinds were 1500x2 and 1000.   i got real low after all the foldng to reraises and i looked at my first card after running jack nine sooted into ace nine off. checked the flop and bet 5k on the turn and got 2 callers one with less chips than me so on the river i put in 20 k to get his stack and was called immediately on my left and knew i was dead and the small stack folded what he said was AK. somehw the river went check check and i saved 7 grand. good bye fighting stack. the blinds are too high for me now and i fold and fold and the first card is a king . thats enough for me. i push late to act and am called by ace nine guy and some toehr fish for 7800. they turn over 66 and ace jack and i turn over king ACE- BAM! crappy flop three slubs on the turn and i have the ace and i say give me an ace or a club and the club comes and im back oer starting stack! then JJ all in pre holds as does 10 10 and all of a sudden i am in the 70 grand range woo hoo! but the big story is limping K 6 sooted and fta checking the king high flop to be raised by big blind and i call the raise and the turn is a 6 which i check raise all in and he calls with KQ and that was the move....i was talking to the ace nine dude about how quick he called me and how he was showing off his cards after he called me and how that was a tell, the fast call for sure the showooff shit cemented it and we both thought the other guy had QQ which was the big story....



  1. heres and end of the world dream i just had-i have not chased it yer. when i do it will be caught, and then what? another story about meeting someone way cooler than school? song fame is doable, live, with a camera to record my death throes for the unwashed to be entertained bry and to form opinions about. i had a dream. in the dream i saved the world and the answer wass water. and toxins and water purifying all toxins eventually given space and time..
    so theres all these epic sructures on based on drinking yourself to death which at first is empty book sleeves , hollowed out, but still empty, until you dig around in the huge cabinetry and hear a clink and there you go. the slow way. you are talkng to an urchin/babe/godess and she wants a taste of death and you fin something like heroing in another cabunet and put some in a little tiny baloon for use at the proper time.this is her temptation somehow and you are the guide, the fathery figure, ths shaman maybe on your best day.
    so what track you on? the double diamond?

  2. death job at UPS Email to the rents.....I have put in three days of double hours at UPS and hope to put in the fourth tonight. One shift at that HELLHOLE is hard on my body SO I AM DOUBLING IT because this is when UPS employees can see huge checks because of XMAS!

    GOTt fruit from your bro which was nice and left a voicemail thanks.
    the grapefruit seem alot smaller and the first one i had was far from juicy. ill send a note to the orchard about how I loved it when the grapefruit were larger than my fist.

    i have my weight down to 314 and I think I am trying to lose 2-3 pounds a week by eatin right NO MORE CHEESE FRIES!!!!!

    now I have goals. I am trying to save 1/2 of my income to have a cash pile for a Mexican relocation in 2024 when its possible I will have 20 grand saved and be able to open a beer store with my friend miguel. they like beer in mexico and to be near the gulf and weighing in the lower 200's are good goals methinks.

    hope the fires are keeping the place toasty and kiss thekitties for me and maybe nuzzle pop pop as well

    loved dinner in the city. maybe we could meet for brunch somewhere where i would take septa to say jeffersonville or some other halfway-ish point and meet every 6 weeks or so for live face time?


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